Daniel Armstrong's Southern Monsters Guide Service
Lake Texoma Catfish GuideLake Texoma Catfish Guides
Lake Texoma Catfish Guides are easy to find, but you deserve the best outfitter, Captain Daniel Armstrong! We fish Lake Texoma year round for Striped Bass and chase Blue Catfish from November to March! The next world record catfish could be caught at Lake Texoma, and you could be the angler!
Lake Texoma Striper Guides
Lake Texoma Striper Guides are a dime a dozen, but fish with the best charter and outfitter, Captain Daniel Armstrong! Lake Texoma Striper Fishing is fantastic and we enjoy watching our customers put quality Striper Fish in the net! Follow our Lake Texoma Fishing Report blog and stay up to date on all the action!

Lake Texoma Catfish Guide Daniel Armstrong
Lake Texoma Catfish Guides
The free-flowing current in the Red River makes Texoma one of the few lakes in Texas with a self-sustaining population of striped bass, and one of only eight inland freshwater reservoirs worldwide where this species has spawned. A cousin of the white bass, striped bass were first stocked in Lake Texoma by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation in 1965. They began spawning in 1974. Blue catfish are caught on cut live bait when these monsters migrate downstream or into the main pool area in winter and upstream in the spring. Trophy Blue Catfish on Lake Texoma with a rod and reel is a life changer, come join us!
Lake Texoma Fishing Trips
Captain Daniel Armstrong is a professional fishing guide on Lake Texoma! Come enjoy a day catching Blue Catfish and Striper on these famous Texas Lakes!
Target Species
Blue Catfish
White Bass
We target Blue Catfish and Striper year-round with artificial lures and live bait on Lake Texoma.

Lake Texoma Catfish Guides
Blue catfish are primarily large-river fish, occurring in main channels, tributaries, and impoundments of major river systems. They tend to move upstream in the summer in search of cooler temperatures and downstream in the winter in order to find warmer water. Most blue catfish are not sexually mature until they reach about 24 inches in length. Like channel catfish, the blue catfish pursues a varied diet, but it tends to eat fish earlier in life. Although invertebrates still comprise the major portion of the diet, blue catfish as small as four inches in length have been known to consume fish. Individuals larger than eight inches eat fish and large invertebrates. Blue catfish commonly attain weights of 20 to 40 pounds, and may reach weights well in excess of 100 pounds. Lake Texoma and Lake Tawakoni have Trophy Blue Catfish! Follow Lake Texoma Catfish Guide on Facebook!

Lake Texoma Striper Guide
There are land-locked populations that complete their entire life cycle in freshwater. These generally ascend tributaries of the lakes or reservoirs where they spend their lives. Spawning begins in the spring when water temperatures approach 60°F. Typically, one female is accompanied by several males during the spawning act. Running water is necessary to keep eggs in motion until hatching. In general, at least 50 miles of stream is required for successful hatches. Stripers may reach a size of 10 to 12 inches during the first year. Males are generally mature in two years, and females in three to four. Adults are primarily piscivorous, feeding predominantly on members of the herring family such as gizzard shad and threadfin shad. Alewife and glut herring are often found in their stomachs in the northern states. Lake Texoma doubles down! Texoma is stocked and Striper reproduce naturally! Come catch Big Fish and Big Numbers on Lake Texoma with Daniel Armstrong!

Lake Texoma White Bass Guide
White bass are active early spring spawners. Schools of males migrate upstream to spawning areas as much as a month before females. There is no nest preparation. Spawning occurs either near the surface or in midwater. Running water with a gravel or rock substrate is preferred. Females rise to the surface and several males crowd around as the eggs and sperm are released. Large females sometimes release nearly a million small eggs during the spawning season. After release eggs sink to the bottom and become attached to rocks, hatching in 2-3 days. Fry grow rapidly, feeding on small invertebrates. White bass may grow eight or nine inches during the first year. Adults are usually found in schools. Feeding occurs near the surface where fish, crustaceans, and emerging insects are found in abundance. Gizzard and threadfin shad are the preferred food items. Lake Texoma and Lake Tawakoni have plenty of white bass and we love to catch them! Join Lake Texoma Catfish Guide and fill up your cooler for that fish fry!
Our Equipment

We fish out of a 23 foot 2006 Falcon Boat pushed by a inboard-outboard 350 MerCruiser! Our Falcon Boat will keep you safe and dry as we chase Blue Catfish, Striper, and White Bass on Lake Texoma and Lake Tawakoni. Follow Lake Texoma Catfish Guide on Facebook!

We run a Lowrance HDS 8 with side and down imaging as well as a separate hummingbird graph for maps only. The Blue Catfish and Striper can not hide from our high-tech sonar and graphs!